10 Tanganyika Meeting held in Cracow on 22-23. IV. 2017r. It was a celebration of lovers of cichlids with special attention to lovers of biotope of Lake Tanganyika are great specialists but also passionate about the fish they are dealing with.
Organizers and speakers
The breeding of cichlids African Tanganyika Malawi was a participant in the meeting. Below are some pictures of our presence.
Mateusz Gaża/Evert van Ammelrooy (Netherlands)
Dariusz Gaża/Heinz H. Büscher (Switzerland)/Mateusz Gaża
Mateusz Gaża/Anton Lamboj (Austria)
Dariusz Gaża/Yves Fermon (France)/Mateusz Gaża
Dariusz Gaża/Carsten Thorleif Stabel (Denmark)/Mateusz Gaża
Lubomír Čuhel-Frontosa (Czech Republic)/Evert van Ammelrooy (Netherlands)
Still a few photos in anticipation of the 11th meeting Tanganyika.